class: center, middle # Git ## (and some other stuff) .copyright[
** [Pat Pannuto]( / Marcus Darden ** ] --- # Recapping last week ## Any lingering administrative issues? --
## The readings - Biculturalism - Command-line "bullshittery" ??? - Goal: Press insight that "neither is better"\ - Goal: Failure / frustration in this class is not a reflection of you or your\ abilities. Don't let frustration be an impediment to your CS career\ --- # What's version control? -- ## Why is it important? ## And how might we build a version control system? -- ## Why doesn't everyone use version control for everything? ??? - Code is semi-independent lines of text, very easy to version - Other text? -- Many authors and editors too; many books written in latex -- What about Microsoft Word's track changes? --- Tie back to readings from week 1; easy to use, limited in power - Non-text? -- Hard, what's a "merge" of a picture, a CAD drawing? -- Many startups are trying to crack this nut --- # Git-ing started (I'm so sorry) - first — `init` - making commits — `add`, `commit` - viewing work/history — `status`, `log` -- ## Let's peek under the hood - History is a linked list - What's `master`, `HEAD`? - Where's the old versions? -- ## I'm lazy, let's make `git st` == `git status` - `git config --global --edit` .small-75[ - (Fancy way of saying `editor ~/.gitconfig`) - (Fancy way of saying `editor /home/ppannuto/.gitconfig`) - (Fancy way of saying `[nano/vim/emacs/...] /home/ppannuto/.gitconfig`) ] ``` [alias] st = status ``` ??? master is a branch like any other, and just a name _nothing special to git_ _special to users by convention_ HEAD is an alias for what is currently "checked out", the files that you see on disk at this moment where are the others? - .git/objects Check out .git/HEAD while we're here --- # Using git locally .center[  ] --- # Collaborating with git ## First, we have to talk just a little about branches --
 --- # Why is git cool? ### Let's debug a real-world problem [Phony]( is a `ruby` library for pretty-printing phone numbers. It's used by a bunch of websites (AirBnB, ZenDesk, etc) 1. `git clone` ```bash # US phone number ruby -e 'require "./lib/phony"' -e 'puts Phony.format("17345551212")' + 1 (734) 555-1212 # French phone number ruby -e 'require "./lib/phony"' -e 'puts Phony.format("33123456789")' +33 1 23 45 67 89 # Emergency phone number in the UK ruby -e 'require "./lib/phony"' -e 'puts Phony.format("999")' ``` .footnote[ Example borrowed from ] --- ```bash ruby -e 'require "./lib/phony"' -e 'puts Phony.format("999")' ``` - Go back in time to when you know it worked - `git checkout v1.9.0` -- - Search history for the problem -- - The `git bisect` command will help keep track of progress - `git bisect start` - `git bisect good` - `git checkout master` - `git describe` - `git bisect bad` - (magic) - `git describe` -- - But I'm _still_ lazy -- - `git bisect run ruby -e 'require "./lib/phony"' -e 'puts Phony.normalize("+999")'` -- - So what changed? - `git log -p` — or —
- --- # Closing remarks ## **You must use git for something non-trivial this term** - You _should_ use version control for all your class projects - And I don't mean folder-copying - Not in any programming classes? - Try using it for other homework or a side project! - Deadline for this is Week 5 — Git II (Oct 06)