class: center, middle # Crashing into EECS like a wrecking ball .copyright[
** [Pat Pannuto]( / Cameron Gagnon** ] --- class: center, middle
--- # Quick Poll --
## Mac -- Windows -- Linux -- ## Terminal/command line -- ## SSHed into CAEN -- ## Git -- ## Vi/Vim or Emacs --- # Linux/Unix: What is it? -- ## Unix - Proprietary (think: costs money, closed source) - Kernel + GUI pieces + everything else that comprises an OS - Comes from specific vendors - Ex. Solaris -- ## Linux - Open sauce kernel developed by Linus Torvalds and fam (not actually family) - Technically just kernel (no GUI or commands) - GNU (GNU's not Unix) + Linux == OS - Ex. Ubuntu is built on top of Debian which is built on top of Linux -- ## EECS 482 for more background on what a kernel and OS is --- class: center, middle
If you are ever wondering what to do with those extra engineering prints
--- # Enough talk, let's play ## Fire up a terminal -- - What is this? -- - Not magic -- ## Two images of the same directory structure Finder | Terminal --- | ---  |  -- ## We'll hit up our friend `tree` later, he/she/it/tree is pretty cool --- # Let's play around a bit: - `cd` `c`hange `d`irectory - `pwd` `p`rint `w`orking `d`irectory - `ls` list files - `mkdir` make directory - `touch FILENAME` create an empty file if it doesn't yet exist - `mv SRC_FILE DESTINATION` move file(s) around - `rm FILENAME` remove files - `rm -r DIRECTORY` remove directories --- # Still no clue...
-- - What do you do when you have a question? -- - Ask for... -- # `help`! --- # Several ways of getting help
## - `help CMD` ## - `man CMD` ## - `info CMD` ## - `CMD --help` or `CMD -h` sometimes works .footer[Knowing a bit about what's on this slide should help with a future homework...] --- # But one towers over the rest... -- #### ...not really, but it's the most commonly used -- ## `Man`ual ### Opens a document with another command called `less` - `q`(uit) - `j` down one line at a time - `k` up one line at a time - `d`(own) half a page at a time - `u`(p) half a page at a time - `/searchPattern` ex. `/output` - `n`(ext) occurrence of search - `g`(o to) top of page - `Shift` + `G` jumps to bottom of page #### Still more commands, but not as commonly used --- # Let's explore a bit with `man` ### - Might as well bring back our friend `tree` -- # What if `man` pages didn't suck so much? --- class: center, middle # WARNING: TOO COOL COMMAND AHEAD!!!! -- ## You've been warned. Proceed with caution --- # `tldr` ### Too long; didn't read - Use it the same way as `man` ### To install - Mac: `brew install tldr` - Ubuntu: multiple methods - One option: `sudo apt install python-pip && pip install tldr` - Another: `sudo apt install npm && npm install -g tldr` - Otherwise refer to: ### Take a minute and install it -- ### Try it out on a few commands. `tree`, `man`, even `tldr` itself --- # You've earned it  --- # SSH and CAEN ### Start out with a `man ssh` to feel our way around. Or better yet, try out `tldr ssh` -- - `ssh` -- ### Cool! What's actually happening? -- ## Let's make it easier Add: ``` Host caen HostName User uniqname ``` to `~/.ssh/config` -- Now you can type `ssh caen` and give your password to login --- # `git`
### Let's set up ssh keys with GitHub - `ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C` - On Mac: `cat ~/.ssh/ | pbcopy` (install `pbcopy`) - On Ubuntu: `cat ~/.ssh/` and then copy it to your clipboard - Go to - Do *NOT* copy the `~/.ssh/id_rsa_github` key. That one is *private* -- ### Add this to your `~/.ssh/config` file: ``` Host HostName User git IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa_github ``` -- ## What if working with `git` didn't have to suck so much? --- class: center, middle # WARNING: TOO COOL COMMAND AHEAD!!!! -- ## You've been warned. Proceed with caution --- # `scm_breeze` makes `git` life easier ## - Check it out: `` ## - Install it: ``` git clone git:// ~/.scm_breeze ~/.scm_breeze/ source ~/.bashrc # or source ~/.zshrc ``` ## Let's mess around --- # You've earned it  --- # Getting repos on CAEN - Create a local repo `git init` - Create a repo on GitHub (give it whatever name you like) - Follow the steps on GitHub for creating a new repo -- - `ssh` -- ### Also check out -- ## For more cool ideas - --- # Vim ## Three main modes - Insert (regular typing) - Normal (issue commands to do things) - Visual (highlight and select text) ## Normal mode commands - `:q`(uit) - `:w`(rite) - `j` down - `k` up - `gg` (go to top of file) - `Shift` + `G` (go to bottom of file) - `dd` delete line - `yy` yank (copy) line --- class: center, middle # WARNING: TOO COOL COMMAND AHEAD!!!! -- ## You've been warned. Proceed with caution --- # Another awesome trick ## `z` - jump around ## ### After you `cd` around a bit, `z` builds up a database that lets you quickly jump to where you need to go - ex. `z 398` takes you to your `398` folder -- ## How to install - On Mac with `brew`: - `brew install z` - On Ubuntu: - `git clone ~/z` - `echo ". ~/z/" >> ~/.bashrc` --- # You made it!